With wp2pgpmail, your visitors can send you a PGP encrypted message very easily. A contact form will offer encryption for sending you confidental messages.
Don’t have any PGP key? Try our online PGP key generator
Get more features with Gravity Forms PGP Encryption plugin
If you are using Gravity Forms, you can use the Pro version: Gravity Forms PGP Encryption plugin
It’s working with Gravity Forms, the best full featured contact form plugin for WordPress.
With the paid version, you will get:
- Additional Fields
- Unlimited Forms
- Nested Drag n’ Drop
- Advanced Email Configuration
Check it at https://wp2pgpmail.com. We are still working on the Free version.
How does it work ?
wp2pgpmail includes an OpenPGP Message Encryption System in Javascript, based on Herbert Hanewinkel’s work. Visitors enter a message in a form, encrypt it (with the PGP public key you entered in wp2pgpmail option settings), then an e-mail is sent to you (blog admin e-mail address). The message is encrypted locally on the visitor’s computer, so no data is transfered in clear !
Is it secure ?
- All code is implememented in readable Javascript.
- You can verify the source code.
- No binaries are loaded from a server or used embedded.
- No hidden transfer of plain text.
Supported languages :
- English
- French
- German
- Spanish
- Estonian
- Greek
- Indonesian
- Upload and extract the content of ‘wp2pgpmail.zip’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Paste your PGP public key in the option setting page of wp2pgpmail
- Place the tag [wp2pgpmail] in the HTML code of the page you want to see the form
- Enjoy!
Where do I get a public PGP key and how do I uncrypt messages ?
The easiest way to use PGP is to install Mozilla Thunderbird with the Enigmail extension. For more information about the installation and how to use this software, go to About PGP and Enigmail installation instructions
wp2pgpmail is not available in my language. What can I do ?
You can translate wp2pgpmail in your language, then submit your translation, so everybody would can use it.
To do it, we have a project hosted at Transifex where you can add the translation in your language. It’s simple, fast and effective. Or:- Download and install Poedit
- Open the wp2pgpmail POT file from wp2pgpmail/i18n/wp2pgpmail.pot
- Go to File => Save as… to save your translations in a PO file (wp2pgpmail-fr_FR.po for example)
- When you are finished translating, go to File => Save as… again to generate the MO file
- Send us the PO and MO files to translation@wp2pgpmail.com : we will add them to the next release of the plugin
If you want to translate the Pro Edition, please contact us !
მონაწილეები & დეველოპერები
“wp2pgpmail” ღია პროგრამული უზრუნველყოფაა. შემდეგმა ადამიანებმა წვილი შეიტანეს მის განვითარებაში.
მონაწილეებიგადათარგმნეთ wp2pgpmail თქვენს ენაზე.
დაინტერესებული ხართ დეველოპმენტით?
დაათვალიერეთ კოდი, შეამოწმეთ SVN რეპო, ან გამოიწერეთ შექმნის ჟურნალი : RSS.
- Adding languages
- Updating OpenPGP library to 4.10.7
- Updating phpcaptcha Securimage to 3.6.7
- Testing plugin for WordPress 5.0
- Fixing OpenPGP key support
- Updating links
- Replacing $ by jQuery in the OpenPGP library
- Improving script integration
- Updating description
- Testing plugin for WordPress 4.7
- Fixing OpenPGP for Internet Explorer
- OpenPGP key support
- Captcha is now optional
- IP Address Collect is now optional (Germany’s Telemedia Act defines IP addresses as personal data and prohibits the use of these IP addresses for the purpose of analyzing individual web traffic behavior)
- Added Danish translation (user contributed)
- Updated German translation (user contributed)
- Fixing translation support
- Improving WordPress compliance (user contributed)
- Improving SSL support
- Using wp_mail function instead of mail function (user contributed)
- Added link to wp2pgpmail Support Team
- bug fix : PGP public keys with a comment line inside were not recognized
- Added Estonian translation (user contributed)
- Added Spanish translation (user contributed)
- Added German translation (user contributed)
- Changing the tag to [wp2pgpmail] (using Shortcode API now)
- Changing the tag to {wp2pgpmail}
- Adding new fields to the form
- Adding empty index files to protect all directories
- Fixing bug with some themes
- Initial import