Software Issue Manager Starter Demo Site
Powerful | Easy to use | Beautiful
Software Issue Manager(SIM) is a project based bug, issue, task and product feature request tracking system with extensive built-in and custom reporting capabilities. Premium editions are available.
If you need customer support ticketing system, try our WP Ticket plugin.
Why we developed this plugin
We, Emarket Design, believe that one of the most important factors affecting production of quality products is having a strong requirement management and analysis process. Most projects fail because organizations do not spend enough time on this stage of the project life cycle.
By developing a family of products primarily designed for software issue management, we wanted to meet the needs of like-minded organizations as well as ours and do our share of promoting importance of requirement management and analysis process.
SIM Concepts
Issues are the items you would like to track in your projects. Issues could be tasks, feature requests, bugs or pretty much any thing you need related to your projects.
SIM Projects are identified by a name and a version number. Projects may have unlimited number of issues. Issues can be shared by multiple projects. You can create manual issues from the admin backend by setting the author.
All Software Issue Manager editions support open, closed or mixed projects/issues. Frontend login and registration forms are available.
The SIM Starter edition uses built-in role based access:
* Admins can access all
* Editor as a project manager
* Author as team member
* Contributor as client
Introduction videos to get you started
Software Issue Manager – Enterprise Playlist
Software Issue Manager – Professional Playlist
- WP Ticket Starter Powerful customer support and helpdesk ticketing system.
- Request a quote Starter The Best Sales Quoting software for WordPress.
- WP Easy Contact Starter Complete contact management solution to start, develop and grow your customer relationships.
- Employee Directory Starter The most complete employee directory software to power up your business.
- Employee Spotlight Starter Everything you need to display and manage staff profiles.
- Campus Directory Starter The Best Campus Directory for Higher Education Institutions.
Software Issue Manager – Enterprise Ready Software Project and Requirements Management
- Allow access to your data from any device, any time.
- Powerful, easy to use customization from the plugin settings. – Premium feature (included both Pro and Ent)
- Powerful project, issue and member commenting system with file attachment support. – Premium feature
- Create and display custom reports on your projects, issues and member groups. – Premium feature (included both Pro and Ent)
- Control access to issues, projects and member profiles. – Premium feature
- Customizable, powerful notification system to keep your project team posted. – Premium feature
- Summary views to find patterns and track them. – Premium feature (included both Pro and Ent)
- Workflow: Automate your project tasks on a schedule basis. – Premium feature (Included in Ent only)
- Workflow: Automate your business rules when an issue, project or member record is created or updated. – Premium feature (Included in Ent only)
- Control who accesses what on a field by field basis. – Premium feature (Included in Ent only)
- Allow all project, issue and member fields to be updated from the frontend. – Premium feature (Included in Ent only)
- Give more power to project team members – Premium feature (included both Pro and Ent)
- Categorize projects, issues and members to form groups of interest. – Premium feature
- Project and team member specific dashboards to measure performance and contributions. – Premium feature (Included in Ent only)
- Powerful, realtime, custom metrics to measure performance and track patterns. – Premium feature (Included in Ent only)
- Find what is important and relevant faster on your projects and issues. – Premium feature
- Streamlined frontend forms to make it easy create and document issues, projects and members. – Premium feature (included both Pro and Ent)
- Get insight on project member activities, interactions and performance. – Premium feature
- Easy to use sidebar widgets to showcase progress. – Premium feature
- Implement projects with ease. – Premium feature
- Powerful project issue tracking with intuitive interface. – Premium feature
- Create custom fields to expand your project, issue and member fields. – Premium feature (included both Pro and Ent)
- System wide dashboard to keep an eye on big picture. – Premium feature
- Create and update project issues including comments from incoming email. – Add-on (Included in Ent only)
- Get your project, issue and member information in sync with Microsoft Active Directory/LDAP services. – Add-on
- Find and track information on your issues, projects and project members faster with smart search. – Add-on (included both Pro and Ent)
- Connect and track your WooCommerce products and services with the SIM issues, projects and project members. – Add-on
- Import, export and update project, issue and member information in bulk from or to CSV. – Add-on (included both Pro and Ent)
- Connect and track your Easy Digital Downloads products and services with the SIM issues, projects and project members. – Add-on
* Software Issue Manager Starter Demo Site
* Software Issue Manager Starter Documentation
* Software Issue Manager Professional Demo Site
* Software Issue Manager Professional Documentation
* Software Issue Manager Professional Changes
* Software Issue Manager Enterprise Demo Site
* Software Issue Manager Enterprise Documentation
* Software Issue Manager Enterprise Changes
This plugin’s code was generated by WP App Studio Professional WordPress Design and Development Platform based on the plugin’s design. You can develop a plugin like Software Issue Manager using WP App Studio plugin and sell its designs by becoming a SellDev author
ეკრანული სურათები
Issue List in admin area Easy to use Issue Edit screen in admin area Project List in admin area Easy to use Project Edit screen in admin area Fully customizable Search Issues form can be added in a page using a shortcode Fully customizable Issue Entry form can be added in a page using a shortcode Pro level, responsive Issue single page on the frontend Pro level, responsive Project single page on the frontend Modify Issue Entry and Search Issues forms from SIM Com Settings page Software Issue Manager Enterprise edition offers advanced issue and project management capabilities for multi-role development teams Many customization options available from plugin settings without changing theme files Frontend login and registration forms for private access to forms on the frontend Get insight on your products linking them to issues using SIM WooCommerce and SIM Easy Digital Downloads CSV Import Export Addon – Bulk import/export your issues and projects from/to CSV files Incoming Email Addon
The simplest way to install is to click on ‘Plugins’ then ‘Add’ and type ‘Software Issue Manager’ in the search field.
Manual Installation Type 1
- Login to your website and go to the Plugins section of your admin panel.
- Click the Add New button.
- Under Install Plugins, click the Upload link.
- Select the plugin zip file from your computer then click the Install Now button.
- You should see a message stating that the plugin was installed successfully.
- Click the Activate Plugin link.
Manual Installation Type 2
- You should have access to the server where WordPress is installed. If you don’t, see your system administrator.
- Copy the plugin zip file up to your server and unzip it somewhere on the file system.
- Copy the “software-issue-manager” folder into the /wp-content/plugins directory of your WordPress installation.
- Login to your website and go to the Plugins section of your admin panel.
- Look for “Software Issue Manager” and click Activate.
მონაწილეები & დეველოპერები
“Project Management, Bug and Issue Tracking Plugin – Software Issue Manager” ღია პროგრამული უზრუნველყოფაა. შემდეგმა ადამიანებმა წვილი შეიტანეს მის განვითარებაში.
მონაწილეებიდაინტერესებული ხართ დეველოპმენტით?
დაათვალიერეთ კოდი, შეამოწმეთ SVN რეპო, ან გამოიწერეთ შექმნის ჟურნალი : RSS.
- TWEAK tested with WP 6.2
- FIXED XSS issues in the WordPress admin area
= 4.8.3= - TWEAK tested with WP 5.9.2 and PHP 8
- FIXED XSS issues in the WordPress admin area
- TWEAK Added ability to set the maximum number of issues to show in multiple sidebar widgets.
- TWEAK Added ability to set pagination support with customization options for multiple sidebar widgets.
= 4.8.2= - FIXED date fields on issue and project pages
- TWEAK tested with WP 5.7
= 4.8.1= - FIXED Required field validation is not working.
= 4.8.0= - FIXED multi-select form component missing scroll bars when the content overflows its fixed height.
- TWEAK updates and improvements to libraries
- NEW Added previous and next buttons for the edit screens of issues and projects
- TWEAK updates and improvements to libraries
- NEW Added support for Emd Custom Field Builder when upgraded to premium editions
- TWEAK updates and improvements to form library
- TWEAK Emd templates
- TWEAK Cleaned up unnecessary code and optimized the library file content.
- FIXED XSS related issues.
- NEW Added Emd form builder support.
- FIXED Session cleanup workflow by creating a custom table to process records.
- TWEAK code updates for better stability and compatibility
- NEW Created a new shortcode page which displays all available shortcodes. You can access this page under the plugin settings.
- TWEAK Emd templating system to match modern web standards
- TWEAK code updates for better stability and compatibility
- TWEAK library updates for better stability and compatibility
- NEW Ability to limit max size, max number of files and file types of issue and project documents
- TWEAK library updates
- NEW Added custom JavaScript option in plugin settings under Tools tab
- NEW Added container type field in the plugin settings
- FIXED PHP 7 compatibility
- TWEAK Updated codemirror libraries for custom CSS and JS options in plugin settings page
- NEW Added Email field to Issues
- FIXED WP Sessions security vulnerability
- NEW Added configuration for Easy Digital Downloads Software Issue Manager extension
- NEW Added configuration for WooCommerce Software Issue Manager extension
- NEW Consolidated issues and projects under projects menu
- NEW Ability to set page templates for issue and project single pages. Options are sidebar on left, sidebar on right or full width
- NEW EMD Widget area to include sidebar widgets in plugin pages
- NEW Ability enable/disable any field, taxonomy and relationship from backend and/or frontend
- NEW Ability to add custom CSS in plugin\’s frontend pages
- NEW Ability to limit Issue search and entry forms to logged-in users only from plugin settings.
- NEW Added ability to permanently delete plugin related data from plugin settings
- NEW Added ability to recreate installation pages from plugin settings
- NEW Added ability to create and display custom fields for issues
- NEW Added ability to create and display custom fields for projects
- Fixed minor bugs and upgraded the libraries for WordPress 4.5.2
- NEW Added ability to set author on issues and projects; available for administrator role
- Fixed minor bugs and upgraded the libraries for WordPress 4.5
- Fixed minor bugs and upgraded the libraries for WordPress 4.4 compatibility
- Fixed issue results paging CSS
- Fixed issues related to WordPress 4.3 upgrade
- Fixed the issue related to some taxonomies not displaying in the admin backend
- Added settings page for form customization such as enable/disable fields, captcha and change field sizes
- Made some fields optional so that they can be disabled
- Fixed some minor bugs to improve stability
- Fixed unique check for issues and projects
- Moved all js and css from cdn to local
- Fixed misc bugs
- Fixed untranslatable search form results view header columns
- Fixed file uploads issue with file names including spaces
- Fixed various compatibility issues related to other plugins
- Added the required configuration to access issues through email using incoming email extension
- Fixed Misc. bugs
- Fixed bug related to sidebar Recent Issues widget
- Fixed BuddyPress Docs conflict
- Fixed PHP Strict Standards Errors which became part of the E_ALL since PHP 5.4
- Fixed a defect in date input fields
- Fixed misc. minor defects
- Fixed readme
- Initial release