Age Verification Plugin for WordPress
These days many websites offer services for a certain group of age means they allow only a certain age of people to visit their websites. So they use such an age verification plugin that confirms the user’s age and then automatically control the age of your website visitors and also restricted them from underage people. This plugin is useful in certain industries such as alcohol, gambling, and other irrelevant website content for children. For such help, Webriderz age verification is the most reliable one in the upcoming days.
Let’s have a look at the features.
• It provides easily accessible options to verify by filling in the user’s minimum age according to their country.
• It provides the user to easily upload customize background images on it.
• Upload Logo image
• Edit : Title text/ Message text
• Create Yes/No button text
• We also provide options if anyone wants to fill any other options
• With this, you can get valid customers.
• SEO friendly
• Fully Responsive for all devices
ეკრანული სურათები
You can simply install age verification to WordPress
• First of all download by click on the link and the zip file will be downloading.
• For uploading this to your website you must install only the WordPress plugin instead of installing the complete plugin.
• After that, you should go to the age verification menu of wp-admin of your website and you can do customization accordingly.
- Layout changes
- Remove bootstrap library
- Initial release
There are no reviews for this plugin.
მონაწილეები & დეველოპერები
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