ეს პლაგინი არ დატესტილა WordPress-ის 3 ძირითად ვერსიაზე. როგორც ჩანს, ის უკვე აღარ არის მხარდაჭერილი და შესაძლოა არ იყოს თავსებადი WordPress-ის მიმდინარე ვერსიასთან.



From the authors of wp-Typography comes wp-TrackbackPopup.

In WordPress the default trackback link behavior causes persistent user confusion. Knowledgeable users right-click on the link and copy the link location. But the vast majority of users click the link — expecting to copy the link from the browser’s location bar — only to be redirected back to the very page they were on. The standard implementation does not provide the expected result.

wp-​​TrackbackPopup resolves this issue. It uses unob­tru­sive JavaScript to create a popup win­dow when a user clicks the track­back link. The popup window pro­vides a text ver­sion of the track­back URL for easy copy­ing and pasting.
The popup window may be styled to match your existing theme.

View the wp-TrackbackPopup homepage for more information.


  1. Log in to WordPress as an administrator
  2. Go to Plugins > Add New and search for wp-TrackbackPopup
  3. Click install next to the wp-TrackbackPopup plugin description
  4. Click the Install Now button in the pop-up window
  5. After the plugin is installed, click the Activate Plugin link
  6. Go to Settings > wp-TrackbackPopup to set your preferences

Alternately, you may manually upload the plugin by following the following instructions:

  1. Go to https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-trackbackpopup/, and click the Download button
  2. Unzip the wp-trackbackpopup.x.x.zip file
  3. Using your favored FTP client, upload the wp-trackbackpopup folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  4. Log in to WordPress as an administrator
  5. Go to Plugins > Installed, locate the plugin and click the related Activate link.
  6. Go to Settings > wp-TrackbackPopup to set your preferences


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მონაწილეები & დეველოპერები

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დაათვალიერეთ კოდი, შეამოწმეთ SVN რეპო, ან გამოიწერეთ შექმნის ჟურნალი : RSS.


1.1.1 – August 7, 2009

  • Fixed “Reset Defaults” conflict with other plugins

1.1 – July 30, 2009

  • Completely rewritten to bring it up to WordPress 2.7 compatibility

1.0 – November 4, 2008

  • Initial release