WooCommerce Webship Integrated Quoting allows any Webship user using a WooCommerce store to be able to get shipping quotes on their checkout page.
A Webship user will need to log in to their Webship account to acquire their URL, Customer Id, and API Key. This information will be used in the integration.
The settings for this plugin is under WooCommerce settings shipping.
- Install and Setup WooCommerce.
- Install WooCommerce Webship Integrated Quoting and Activate it.
- Go into WooCommerce -> Settings -> Shipping
- Under the Shipping tab, click Webship Integrated Quoting.
- In a separate tab, login to Webship.
- In Webship go to your WooCommerce Integration Settings. Settings -> eCommerce Integrations -> [Choose your WooCommerce integration]
- Copy the URL and API Key from the WooCommerce Integrated Quoting section of Webship into the respective fields of your WooCommerce Webship Integrated Quoting Plugin settings
- Click “Save changes”
- Configure your Integrated Quoting Options in Webship (/ec/#/settings/integratedQuoting)
Then shipping rates should be displayed on the checkout page.
- Where can I get my information for the fields to use this plugin?
All the information can be found in your WooCommerce integration settings page. Settings -> eCommerce Integrations -> [Choose your WooCommerce integration]
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