All buyers interested simple multistep checkout process , so you can increase your sales with help multistep checkout for woocommerce. With 14 different style,8 different animation effect,4 navigation position and 50+ different options improve your ecommerce website checkout process. Multistep Checkout for WooCommerce enable chance beautifying and simplifying
checkout process.
With Multistep Checkout for WooCommerce helps you can easily create and customize any checkout process to fit your need in short time.
See Demo : Multistep Checkout for WooCommerce Demo
- Mobile friendly
- Fully customizable
- Translation ready
- Validation any step
- Compatible with top selling themes
- Fully responsive
- Cross browser compatible
- Easily change colors and label text
- 14 different style
- 8 animation effect
- Show/hide specific steps
- Combine different checkout steps
You can show each style with 4 navigation position
- Top
- Left
- Right
- Bottom
ეკრანული სურათები
- Installation Instructions
- Install WooCommerce
- Go to your WordPress admin panel, and then to Plugins.
Click on “Add New” and then upload the zip file of the plugin using the “Upload Plugin” button you can find on top of the screen - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
- Go to left menu WooCommerce->TSF Checkout Wizard
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