Timed Content For Beaver Builder


The Timed Content for Beaver Builder plugin adds an advanced custom module to the basic page builder, making it easy for users to hide content after given time. Like all the other Beaver Builder modules, the Timed Content module can simply be dragged and dropped on a page, followed by the additional customizations.

Features of the Timed Content Module

  • Easy setting to display saved templates
  • Hide content / display message after time lapse

Since this module is easy to use and highly customizable, you can use for various applications across the web.

Applications of Timed Content Module

  • Display special offers, discount codes for valid time period & hide it automatically by setting expiry time

Made with love at Brainstorm Force!

To know more about the Timed Content module – Click here.

What’s More?

If you like this plugin, please leave us a good review and rating! Your feedback and suggestions will be highly appreciated.

You can also consider checking out our other plugins:

Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder Lite: The Best Addon for Beaver Builder with a huge collection of advanced and creative modules.

Expandable Row for Beaver Builder: An advanced plugin that lets you expand your Beaver Builder rows.

Timeline module for Beaver Builder: An advanced module to create attractive and responsive timelines using Beaver Builder.

Beaver Builder Alerts: An advanced module to create attention seeking alerts in Beaver Builder.

Beaver Builder Header Footer: Design beautiful headers and footers with Beaver Builder.

Column Separator for Beaver Builder: This plugin will no longer leave you pondering for a column separator in Beaver Builder. You can add it right away!

Visit our website to know more about the top WordPress products and services we offer. You can also stay updated with our upcoming endeavors by following us on Facebook and Twitter.


Props to TLC Online for their idea and sponsoring development of this Beaver Builder module.

ეკრანული სურათები

  • Content options
  • Set Start and End Time option
  • Typography options


  1. Be sure that you have the Beaver Builder installed and activated.

  2. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/timed-content-for-beaver-builder directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.

  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress

  4. Find this module in Page Builder -> Add Content -> Advance Modules -> Timed Content


11.12.2024 5 replies
Keep having to resave the page to get anything to work. Have placed multiple support tickets, but it looks like they aren’t supporting the plugin anymore. Don’t waste your time.
One little request — Allow editing the module after the content expiration time without having to set a new future expiration time. For example, if the module expired a few minutes ago and then I see a typo in the expiration message, I can’t make the change and re-save the module unless I set a (new) future expiration time. I think it should allow you to save or re-save the module as long as the expiration date is after the start date. As a further refinement, if the expiration time has already passed, it could just prompt you with a message: “The expiration time has already passed. Are you sure you want to save your changes?” Good work with this and all your other modules!
19.07.2017 1 reply
What a great job the team at Brainstorm Force have done after our request and sponsorship for a plugin that could be used to Time Content in Beaver Builder. (This is also away for us to give something back, in a small way, to the WordPress community). Brainstorm Force, the people behind Ultimate addons for Beaver Builder were approached after requests from our clients to have a way of removing content after a certain date and time. This would also save us having to go on to a number of websites and make changes at a certain time on a certain day. Better still, a way of showing content from a certain date and time to an end date and time, this the team have achieved, very well in a lite, easy to use plugin for Beaver Builder and you don’t need to necessarily have UABB installed on your website to use it. You have the ability to add a start and end date and time to the following types of content, Content, Saved Rowes, Saved Modules and Saved Page templates. The time is set via the server and not the time on the local computer so the content is always set to the correct date. What more could you ask for? I would like to congratulate the team on their work and I hope you find it as useful as we have for your Beaver Builder projects. Kind regards John
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  • Improvement: Improved codebase for improved security.


  • Improvement: Added compatibility to WordPress 6.1


  • New : Start Date Time option


  • Initial release