ეს პლაგინი არ დატესტილა WordPress-ის 3 ძირითად ვერსიაზე. როგორც ჩანს, ის უკვე აღარ არის მხარდაჭერილი და შესაძლოა არ იყოს თავსებადი WordPress-ის მიმდინარე ვერსიასთან.

Stats for WP


Stats for WP can help admin understand better about how users use your site, you will know each users view logs / view history in backend, it is helpful to know why users stay on your site and why users go away, which page is user interesting on your site. When users logged in your site, we will log user ID, view pages, referrers URL, user IP, user agent, … and so on, if user did not logged in your site, we will show user ID as 0.

stats for WP plugin will not trace bots, spiders, crawlers.

We are still add more features for help you use the stats plugin more easier and get more informations in backend. Any feature request is very welcome.


1:Upload Stats for WP plugin to your wordpress site
2:Activate it
3: You will find Stats menu item in admin area, just click Stats menu item, you will see all user logs in the backend.
That’s all


Any question? Or any feature request? Submit ticket at our wordpress support form at: https://wordpress.org/plugins/stats-for-wp/

Installation Instructions

1:Upload Stats for WP plugin to your wordpress site
2:Activate it
3: You will find Stats menu item in admin area, just click Stats menu item, you will see all user logs in the backend.
That’s all


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გადათარგმნეთ Stats for WP თქვენს ენაზე.

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Version 1.0.3

First version