ეს პლაგინი არ დატესტილა WordPress-ის 3 ძირითად ვერსიაზე. როგორც ჩანს, ის უკვე აღარ არის მხარდაჭერილი და შესაძლოა არ იყოს თავსებადი WordPress-ის მიმდინარე ვერსიასთან.

Sports Rankings and Lists


The plugin allows authors to rank and list ANYTHING and display the table of rankings in posts or pages. Authors can create comments when they create rankings which are displayed below the rankings / list in the wordpress post or page. Created with sports teams and athlete list / rankings in mind, but can be used for anything you want to easily list or rank. We came up with this idea to help multiple authors list / rank players on our fantasy football website. We’ve seen people use this to rank the top sports teams and players for fantasy baseball and fantasy basketball too.

Key features:

  • Upload or manually create default list to be used on any rankings / list you desire.
  • Multiple Authors
  • Composite of all authors list / rankings
  • Show Gravatar for Authors above their name and rankings / list table.
  • Users can sort rankings in the post for each author, default order is based on composite.
  • Set default rank order for authors when created list.
  • Drag and drop items being ranked (wordpress admin area)
  • Upload csv list of items (players) or manually enter them.
  • Three custom fields for adding information about items being ranked. example: Player Name, Team, Position

Admins can create player lists and rankers. Authors can only rank players.

Useful for rankings and list of anything you desire but optimized for ranking athletes. For example: You can upload (or manually create) a list of NFL players then authors can sort those rankings in post or pages. You can create top 10 list, top 100 list, top 10 rankings etc for NFL, MLB, NBA and NHL players with ease! Fantasy Football websites will find this extremely useful when creating fantasy football rankings for the draft and weekly matchups.

We use custom post types to create list and rankings.

Unlock all feature and Remove Credits

If you enable all of the powerful features then a credit will be placed below your list pointing to WordPress.org and FantasyKnuckleheads.com

If you wish to unlock all the features and remove the credits contact kurt@fantasyknuckleheads.com for premium version. Low price, no worries.

Examples of how to use:

  1. Top 10 list (up to 1000)
  2. Ranking Sports Teams
  3. Fantasy Football Rankings (baseball, basketball, hockey, etc)
  4. Power Rankings
  5. Plugin Rankings / Top WordPress Plugins
  6. You can rank and list anything you want! Great list creator.

How to use

  1. Install the plugin
  2. Go to Ranker Admin -> List – Upload or Create Lists of Items (admin only) field 1: is default order, field 2 through 4 can be whatever you like.
  3. Go to Ranker Admin -> Rankers – Create a new “ranker”. Choose a list of players created in the previous step. This give you shortcode to be used in post or page.
  4. Now go to “Rankings” menu, just below the Add Post option and edit your rankings! Authors (or higher level) can now go to Rankings Menu and drag and drop rankings where they desire as well as add comments for their choices.
  5. Copy the ranker’s shortcode (from step 3) and paste it in post or page where you would like to see your list / rankings. If Rankings are updated the post must be updated by clicking the “update” button.

READ THIS: view the screenshots here so you know how to use this plugin!

ეკრანული სურათები

  • All features enabled (see the photo above)
  • STEP 1: Creating list (see the photo above)
  • STEP 2: Upload and Insert list – make sure LINK URL is populated, if not then click “file URL” then click “Insert into Post”
  • STEP 3: Creating a ranker
  • STEP 4: Add list to ranker – select list from drop down menu
  • STEP 5A: Creating Rankings – this is where each person (author or higher) can actaully go create the rankings users will see in the post or page you have placed the ranker shortcode in.
  • STEP 5B: What the authors see when creating rankings, in this photo they have deleted 22 items from the default list and created their top 10.
  • STEP 6: Publishing Post with Ranker shortcode
  • Ranker Settings – Enable advanced settings to show avatars and comments and multiple authors rankings (not just admin) – to disable the credits a premium version must be purchased – email kurt@fantasyknuckleheads.com for a premium version.


When I change my rankings in the “ranker” – the post doesn’t update with the new rankings

If Rankings are updated the post must be updated (if using WP-SUPER-CACHE or simular) by clicking the “update” button within the post where the rankings shortcode is placed.

I can’t UPLOAD CSV files

Make sure LINK URL is populated when you upload the csv file, if not then click “file URL” then click “Insert into Post”.

Also make sure the file only have four fields with the first field being the default list order (1,2,3 etc).

What are the four fields used for when manually creating list?

You can upload CSV file in a format like Default rank, Player name, Team, Position – one player per line.
But you can substitute Player name, Team, Position to list anything you like.

  • Example: Default rank, State, City, Zip
  • Example: Default rank, Actor
  • Example: Default rank, Plugin Name, Author

How do I give all authors and above the ability to modify rankings?

Admins can enable this feature in the Ranker Admin –> Ranker Settings (Allow all users to rank (not only admins))

How do I enable author gravatar?

Admins can enable the gravatar feature in the Ranker Admin –> Ranker Settings (Show Avatars)

How do I enable Show Author Comments?

Admins can enable the comment feature in the Ranker Admin –> Ranker Settings (Show Comments)


I have a multiple authors and this allows us to rank players like they do on the big sites like espn and yahoo etc. Thank you for creating this and letting us use it!!
5 რევიუს წაკითხვა

მონაწილეები & დეველოპერები

“Sports Rankings and Lists” ღია პროგრამული უზრუნველყოფაა. შემდეგმა ადამიანებმა წვილი შეიტანეს მის განვითარებაში.


გადათარგმნეთ Sports Rankings and Lists თქვენს ენაზე.

დაინტერესებული ხართ დეველოპმენტით?

დაათვალიერეთ კოდი, შეამოწმეთ SVN რეპო, ან გამოიწერეთ შექმნის ჟურნალი : RSS.



  • tested with 6.0.2


  • updated


  • updated instructions


  • made adjustments so it will work with some more themes


  • centered table rows


  • removed whitespace that caused issues with feed


  • Fixed the order when there is only one author participating in rankings
  • Fixed the sorting issue when there are multiple rankers on the same page


  • Updated plugin location URL


  • Updated read me


  • Fixed the order when there is only one author participating in rankings
  • Fixed the sorting issue when there are multiple rankers on the same page


  • Rank is now updated when draging and dropping elements while ranking


  • Removed composite ranking if only one user ranked
  • Added 5px padding around user names
  • Increased priority of admin metaboxes from default to high


Initial Plugin upload