Get people sharing and talking about your site.
We’ve made it faster and easier for people to share content from your site, straight into a Skype chat. It is easy to integrate and supports both desktop and mobile sites. Just install the share button plugin, select the button style and position and you are ready to allow your users to share using Skype.
Share button features
- Automatically displays the Skype share button for every article you publish.
- Customizable button style (large button, small button, circle icon, square icon).
- Customizable button position (top of article, bottom of article, top and bottom of article).
- Customizable button localization language (auto-detected, 70+ world languages to choose from).
- Easy to use.
ეკრანული სურათები
- Install the share button plugin either through the WordPress.org plugin directory or by uploading the files to your server in
directory. - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
- Set the share button properties (button style, position, language) on plugin settings section
- That’s it, you are ready to go. The Skype share button will be displayed for every article.
Got questions? We have answers in our FAQ section.
მონაწილეები & დეველოპერები
“Skype share” ღია პროგრამული უზრუნველყოფაა. შემდეგმა ადამიანებმა წვილი შეიტანეს მის განვითარებაში.
მონაწილეებიგადათარგმნეთ Skype share თქვენს ენაზე.
დაინტერესებული ხართ დეველოპმენტით?
დაათვალიერეთ კოდი, შეამოწმეთ SVN რეპო, ან გამოიწერეთ შექმნის ჟურნალი : RSS.
- Initial release
- Fixed interaction issues with other elements on the page. The Skype button should now play nicely with other plugins on the page.
- Added localization support for the configuration screen. The configuration screens are now available in 70 languages.