The SGDiet TDEE Calculator Plus is the perfect tool for any health or diet enthusiast. It is designed to quickly and accurately calculate Total Daily Energy Expenditure for users, saving them time and effort. With detailed insights into energy expenditure, users can easily track their energy and nutritional intake for optimal health goals. You just need to use the shortcode [onboard] on the page you want to display the form.
Here is a summary of what you can do:
- A simple frontend form to allow user to calculate their TDEE
- A simple shortcode to be used.
- Future updates to any update to the calculation via our API
- And finally.. it’s free!
If you need any assistance, feel free to contact me at KnowHalim
To install, you just need to follow these steps
- Upload the zip file to the
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Navigate to The SGDiet TDEE settings and configure.
Can I save the value into my database?
Yes you can, however, you may need some programming knowledge.
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- First release