Easily create all different kinds of popups / overlays for your WordPress site and place sidebars and widgets in them.
How Popping Sidebars and Widgets works
- Create Sidebars – as many as you need
- Set up Your Overlay / Popup
- Create Layout and Insert Sidebars – just a few clicks with the OTW Grid Manager
Popup / Overlay types
- Full bars
- Side boxs
- Popups / Lightboxes
Unlimited Number of Sidebars
This plugin will allow you to create unlimited number of custom sidebars that you will be able to place in your overlays. Once a sidebar is created it will be available in Appearance -> Widgets section just like any other sidebar. Newly created sidebars can have vertical or horizontal widget alignment.
Custom Layouts – OTW Grid Manager
Creating custom layouts in your overlays is just a few clicks job with the OTW Grid Manager. No coding is required. It is all done in a very easy to use interface.
Custom styling
Create a new class for each overlay / popup in its edit screen so you can style it however you want.
This plugin comes Localization/Internationalization ready. It is following WordPress I18n standards.
Full version of the plugin
Upgrade to the Pro version of this plugin including tons of more features, regular updates and premium support:
- Responsive Layouts in your Overlay
- Visibility for any set of pages, page templates, posts , categories, tags, archives, custom post types, taxonomies, user roles, WPML languages, WooCommerce, bbPress, BuddyPress
- Full Bar and Side Box Positioning – Header, Footer, Left and Right
- Full Bar and Side Box – Scrolling Type
- More Animations
- Active Periods
- More open/close events – on page load, on page load with delay, after a number of page views, on exit intent, from a link, number of page loads, period of time, etc.
- Custom Styling via an interface in the back-end
- Overlay First Load – Opened / Closed
- Content Position – right and center
- Show Button Label
- Hide for small screens – on / off
- z-index
- Trigger from a link via Shortcodes
- Trigger form a WP menu item
- Support and Updates
- Zero Coding Required
ეკრანული სურათები
Please refer to online documentation page for more details.
Please refer to online documentation page for more details.
მონაწილეები & დეველოპერები
“Popping Sidebars and Widgets Light” ღია პროგრამული უზრუნველყოფაა. შემდეგმა ადამიანებმა წვილი შეიტანეს მის განვითარებაში.
მონაწილეებიგადათარგმნეთ Popping Sidebars and Widgets Light თქვენს ენაზე.
დაინტერესებული ხართ დეველოპმენტით?
დაათვალიერეთ კოდი, შეამოწმეთ SVN რეპო, ან გამოიწერეთ შექმნის ჟურნალი : RSS.
- Fixed: Dynamic shortcode fields
- Fixed: Shortcode dialog button on live preview
- Updated: Core components
Updated: Core components
- Fixed: Add new row dropdown position
- Updated: Use strict mode for javascript
- Updated: Escape html attributes
- Updated: Use WP filesystem for file operations
- Updated: OTW core functions
- Updated: latest version of OTW factory
- Fixed: error mode modification
- Updated: OTW core components and functions
- Updated: WordPress 4.8 compatibility
- Updated: call to google fonts via https
- Updated: WordPress 4.5 compatibility
- Updated: OTW core functions
- Updated: javascript shortcodes settings optimization
- Fixed: Correct positioning on scrolling/fixed overlays on scrolled page refresh
- Fixed: use component path instead of component url
- Fixed: light box close effect on escape or background click
- Updated: Combine js and css libs
- Updated: code optimizations
- Updated: include admin js when needed
- Updated: scrolling content on fixed position
- Added: Inline guidelines
- Updated: Compatibility with other OTWthemes plugins
- Initial release