This plugin allows you to configure extra mime-types for support by the inline-uploader.
A new options page is added as Options … Mime-types which allows you to add/delete the extra mime-types.
By default the following extra mime-types are registered: audio/ac3, audio/MPA and video/x-flv.
With version 0.90 of the plugin you are now able to upload a file containing a long list of mime types as an easy way to register multiple mime-types.
The file format is “mime/type extension” for example like this:
audio/ac3 ac3
audio/MPA mpa
video/x-flv flv
- Upload to your plugins folder, usually
- Activate the plugin on the plugin screen.
- Navigate to Settings … Mime-types to add/delete mime-types.
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- Tidy up of old code and removal of support for very old WordPress versions.
- Update of look and feel to match recent WordPress versions
- Add support for upload of a list of mime types in a file