Pictia is an ethical image bank, which allows photographers to protect and sell their images on the internet.
The Picita plugin recognizes if the image is certified with Pictia and shows copyright information.
When hovering over an image on a website with the mouse, the plugin displays an information bubble.
By clicking on it (or right clicking directly on the image), the plugin displays an information panel.
The information panel allows visitors to discover the author of the image, the copyright information and it contains a link to Pictia’s website to purchase the license to use legally the image on the internet (if the author authorizes the sale of the license).
On mobile devices, images are automatically detected during the scroll. It is also possible to display the information panel of a specific image with a long press on it. Images are detected even if they are hosted by WordPress.
For more details, visit Pictia and talk to us!
Technical Details
The plugin uses an external script from Pictia for image detection.
Matching with certified images on Pictia is done using perceptual hashes computed for each image on your website.
More informations on external service:
* Terms of service
* Privacy policy
These instructions assume you have already signed up for Pictia here.
- Download the plugin.
- Upload the plugin to your wp-content/plugins directory.
- Activate the plugin.
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- initial release