PhotoJAR: Post Thumbnailer displays a post thumbnail. A full gallery can be displayed upon clicking the thumbnail when paired with a javascript viewer.
PhotoJAR: Post Thumbnail requires PhotoJAR: Base.
For additional info visit JARinteractive.
ეკრანული სურათები
This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
Requires PHP5 and PhotoJAR: Base.
- Upload the
folder to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Adjust settings under the ‘Settings -> PhotoJAR’ menu in WordPress.
- Optional: Customize the pj-post-thumb.php template and place it in your theme’s directory (Ex: ‘wp-content/themes/Default’).
- Optional: Install a javascript viewer plugin (Ex: Lightbox, ThickBox, etc.)
if you want to make use of that feature. PhotoJAR will handle the markup to enable this on your images.
- Can I change the display of the thumbnail?
Customize the pj-post-thumb.php template and place it in your theme’s directory (Ex: ‘wp-content/themes/Default’).
- Will it work with WordPress 2.5?
It will display the default thumbnail for galleries, but you will be unable to specify thumbnails on the post editing page.
- What if I find a bug?
Please contact me via the PhotoJAR website.
Include the version of WordPress you are using, current PhotoJAR settings, and details to recreate the bug if possible.
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