PDF Builder for Gravity Forms


Design your own pdf in seconds with the first and only drag and drop builder. No coding experience required.


  • Drag and drop Interface: Create your pdf (Quote, summary, certificates etc) using a drag and drop interface.
  • Style designer: Change the color or font size of the elements of your Gravity Forms pdf.
  • Automatically added to the Gravity emails: You or your customers will receive the pdf automatically after submitting a form.

ეკრანული სურათები

  • The first drag and drop pdf builder
  • You can easily customize the colors, sizes etc
  • Arrange multiple items without issues using the alignment tools


Is there any frequent asked question?

Not yet!


05.03.2022 1 reply
You can spend hours designing a pdf report based on gravity forms, but it seems to be all smoke and mirrors. There’s no way to access the report you designed – no shortcode that you can embed in pages, no nothing. So…. yeah. Nah. Doesn’t do what it says on the box. I usually pay premium. So glad I didn’t with this plugin.
3 რევიუს წაკითხვა

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  • 1.6.69. Fixed Translation issue
  • 1.6.68. Fixed issue with the api