

ეს პლაგინი დახურულია, დახურვის თარიღი: 17.05.2024. ჩამოტვირთვა მიუწვდომელია. მიზეზი: უსაფრთხოების პრობლემები.


In most part this is a very good theme however, there is critical missing features which should be added in future release ASAP. 1. Given that it supports membership packages agents/agencies should have full frontend property management (add, edit, delete, publish/unpublish). Unfortunately agents/agencies cannot hide/unpublish property listings once sold or rented via the agent dashboard. Sold or rented properties can only be unpublished by admin (agents have no admin access). If you have multiple agents with hundreds of properties this becomes an admin nightmare.
I have explored for some minutes the plugin, and these are MY conclusions: – Helpful tool but need to be improved; – It’s easy to interact with properties, cities & other BUT the view is not good, should be changed to something simple and beautiful; – The filter for ME is the most important tool this plugin has. I was searching for something like this. Unfortunatly I couldn’t use it on my website because it is incomplete. MY OPINION: Great plugin, but need some upgrades, it would be helpful for a lot of people if complete. Hope the author notice that this plugin is important and it does’t have other like this one.
14.05.2020 1 reply
Great plugin that does what an estate agent needs and great design. Unfortunately, Some functions don’t work such as the forms to request viewing or inquiry about a property. I would have given this a 5* if support had been reactive but instead they choose to ignore my issues. It seems as though the developer only helps people who use their theme (payable) and forcing people to use it. There are thousands of themes out there and the plugin should be compatible with most popular ones, to say the least.
Wow, the Opal team had put in lots of effort into this plugin and other related themes. They even have related instruction videos. Amazing products!
6 რევიუს წაკითხვა

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“Opal Estate Pro – Property Management and Submission” ღია პროგრამული უზრუნველყოფაა. შემდეგმა ადამიანებმა წვილი შეიტანეს მის განვითარებაში.


გადათარგმნეთ Opal Estate Pro – Property Management and Submission თქვენს ენაზე.

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