This unofficial plugin for Ninja Forms provides user experience
improvements for admins, developers and end-users.
Read on for the list of features.
Let web browser remember user input for auto-fill
When a returning visitor uses one of your forms their browser will
offer to automatically complete the rest of the form (or the current
field) using the same information they entered last time. This is
especially useful for people using touch-screens.
Intended for end-users
Specify input mode for on-screen keyboards
Adds two new settings to text fields called “Input mode” and
“Pattern”. This allows you to force virtual keyboards to open a
number pad by default.
Intended for end-users
Form layout
All the classes defined on a field’s container element are moved to the
true container <nf-field>
, giving you more control over the form
layout. Useful for responsive Bootstrap layouts.
Intended for developers
Submission date display
Display created and modified dates in standard international format
when viewing/editing form submissions.
Intended for admins
Return to submissions list
Adds a button that takes you back to the submissions list on the
submission edit page. Avoids unpredictable behavior with the back
Intended for admins
Scrollbar visibility
Shows the scrollbar in the Ninja Forms dashboard.
Intended for admins
Settings are found under Settings -> Ninja Forms UX.
Requires Ninja Forms version 3+.
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