LockerPress WordPress Security protects your WordPress site from Hackers by offering a variety of solutions that allows you to customize areas of WordPress that normally are not easy to manipulate. We takes focus on WordPress Security and being able to offer solutions to the community – whether you’re a big site
or a small one.
It’s very unfortunate that there are Hackers and Bots trying to attack websites and retrieve sensitive information – they also
try to destroy the contents of your website.
Our WordPress Security plugin provides you many great security settings and options that will make your WordPress website safer.
Our full list of features include:
- WordPress MU compatible (developer license only)
- Custom Login URL
- Change Admin User
- Set Hack/Ban Settings
- Email Notification of Failed Login Attempts
- Enable HTTP Authentication
- 1 Click Upgrade
- Enable reCAPTCHA on Login Page
- Hide errors on user/password logins
- Disable Right-Click
- Set UnBan URL w/ Password
- Set # of Failed Login Attempts
- Set Specific # of Minutes for Ban
- Custom Message for Hacker
- Change Database Prefix
For more information on LockerPress WordPress Security Plugin please visit us at LockerPress. Please also like us at Facebook and follow us for latest updates @lockerpress.
ეკრანული სურათები
This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working. This Free Version allows installation on unlimited domains.
1. Unzip lockerpress-wordpress-security.zip
2. Upload lockerpress folder to your /wp-content/plugins folder
3. Login to /wp-admin
4. On the sidebar, click Plugins
5. Click Activate next to LockerPress
6. You should now see a LockerPress link on the left sidebar.
Upload Zip:
1. Login to /wp-admin
2. On the sidebar, mouseover Plugins and click Add New.
3. Click Upload on the very top.
Click ‘Choose File’ and click on the lockerpress-worpdress-security.zip that you downloaded.
Click Install Now, and Activate.
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- Initial creation of LockerPress WordPress Security Plugin