The special widgets are made exclusively for WooCommerce websites, providing opportunity to display the products in the most attractive layouts.
Products List
Use this widget to add the stylish listings of the WooCommerce products to the pages built with Elementor.
Products Grid
This widget adds the WooCommerce products into attractive grid layouts to the pages built with Elementor.
Categories Grid
This widget adds the WooCommerce Product Categories Grid layouts to the pages built with Elementor on WooCommerce-based websites.
Please, note, that in order for the widgets to display the content you need to create at least several WooCommerce products with prices and thumbnail images and add them to at least several product categories.
Just drag and drop the needed widget ot the page built with Elementor. It will pull the categories or products and let you set the columns layout, query type, order, etc.
There are also multiple Style settings for every widget, allowing to customize the items, thumbnails shown, excerpts, price blocks, etc.
With JetWoo Widgets it is easy to add WooCommerce products to any of your pages built with Elementor just in a few clicks!
- Upload “JetWooWidgets For Elementor” folder to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory
- Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress
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