Plugin installs affiliate code of Installus.net
There are three easy steps to get the most value from the Installus links.
To install the plugin:
- Install the Installus links plugin using the WordPress Plugin Installer here.
- Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in your WordPress Dashboard.
- That’s it! Once activated, your links will automatically be localized for your international audience.
To connect your installuslink account:
- If you don’t have an account already, create a installus.net account here.
- After signing in, navigate to the Sources page to create a new Site.
- Access the Installus links Settings through the “Settings” tab within your WordPress dashboard.
- Copy the SiteID into your Installus links plugin.
- Installation Instructions
There are three easy steps to get the most value from the Installus links.
To install the plugin:
- Install the Installus links plugin using the WordPress Plugin Installer here.
- Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in your WordPress Dashboard.
- That’s it! Once activated, your links will automatically be localized for your international audience.
To connect your installuslink account:
- If you don’t have an account already, create a installus.net account here.
- After signing in, navigate to the Sources page to create a new Site.
- Access the Installus links Settings through the “Settings” tab within your WordPress dashboard.
- Copy the SiteID into your Installus links plugin.
მონაწილეები & დეველოპერები
“Installus links” ღია პროგრამული უზრუნველყოფაა. შემდეგმა ადამიანებმა წვილი შეიტანეს მის განვითარებაში.
მონაწილეებიგადათარგმნეთ Installus links თქვენს ენაზე.
დაინტერესებული ხართ დეველოპმენტით?
დაათვალიერეთ კოდი, შეამოწმეთ SVN რეპო, ან გამოიწერეთ შექმნის ჟურნალი : RSS.
- Initial release