Hide Categories and Products for Woocommerce


With this plugin, you can hide on the store products from a chosen category and hide a category itself, in list or on single page.
It is compatible with Storefront (theme) shortcodes.

How to use

  1. Go to Woocommerce -> Settings -> Products.
  2. Go to the subsection “Hide from categories”.
  3. There is twice the list of the product categories currently on your store. First list allows you to hide the categories on the store. Second list allows you to hide products from those categories on the store.



Video Tutorial (EN)

Tutoriel Vidéo (FR)

ეკრანული სურათები

  • A look at the setting page


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress


Will hidding a category hide the products from that category on the store ?

Nope, this is why there is twice the categories list.
First list allows you to hide the categories on the store. Second list allows you to hide products from those categories on the store.

Will hidding the products from a category hide the category on the store ?

Nope, this is why there is twice the categories list.
First list allows you to hide the categories on the store. Second list allows you to hide products from those categories on the store.
However, it is worth to note that, if your guests click on said category they will find an empty page, as all the products of that category are hidden on the store.


The disabled category will go to a 404 page, so you will have to handle redirections with another plugin.
Absolutely an awesome plugin that worked to hide categories from product pages and even from the code. I would suggest to add the feature to hide brands also from products. Keep on updating and testing the plugin on the major versions of Woocommerce!!
it works perfect in backend however you can’t see hide categories in product frontend manager
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  • Comptability with WooCommerce Custom Order Table (High-Performance Order Storage)


  • Fix missing product in search


  • Do not filter searches on admin


  • Manage deleted category case, remove php warning
  • Add missing categories in log


  • Move js in static folder


  • Hide categories in search results
  • fix filemtime() errors


  • Remove localization files


  • Fix Compatibility with Woocommerce Product Addons on Add to Cart


  • Compatibility with Woocommerce Product Addons


  • Fix translation
  • Improve presentation in backoffice