WordPress FAQ Builder
WordPress Frequently Asked Questions plugin allows you to display Frequently Asked Questions on your website with a beautiful accordion. With responsive design and advanced styles, the plugin gives you an opportunity to have awesome accordions at your service very quickly and easily. Not only it will help you save time for you and your customers, but also will show how professional you are.
- Unlimited questions with answers
- Responsive design
- 3 amazing themes
- FAQ style options (20+)
- Custom Class
- Custom CSS
- Collapse option
- Individual questions from users
- 3 options to display answers
- Question numbering
Pro Features
- All free features +
- Scroll to top
- FAQ categories
- Export and Import
User-Friendly Interface
There is no need to be a pro to make wonderful FAQs if you are using this plugin. It is designed and developed especially to save time and effort for you! Also, the plugin supports mobile friendliness, so you don’t need to worry about it.
Three Amazing Types Of Themes
Use your favorite theme among the ones given in the plugin’s Styles and create the most engaging queries and answers for your website. Define the width, border style, background style, title and text style, answers, and also use custom class and custom CSS if you like to.
Always In Touch With Your Visitors
This plugin has an amazing option, which while enabled, sends you queries from your users, whenever they have their own questions. It keeps you always updated on your customers’ needs and requests, and helps you improve the quality and support of your service.
Why choose us?
Among the variety of plugins in WordPress, our FAQ Builder is the best free FAQ plugin, as it provides you not only with the great features mentioned above but also plenty of advantages.
SEO Boost
Search engines do LOVE frequently asked questions page, as they mostly target high quality and relevant information of your website. FAQs match perfectly to this requirement: just put some of the most discussed topics about your product/service on this page, and search engines will do their job. Note, that you should always keep this section interesting, specific, and carefully written. Use long-tail keywords to improve SEO. Always make sure, that the content meets your customers’ needs and use as many most-searched keywords as possible. After doing this for some time, the results will for sure make you happy!
Brand Awareness
Every time a new person visits your website, they will definitely search for your FAQ page, to understand what your brand represents. Make them satisfied with this journey by giving the answers to the most commonly asked questions and queries. After, when you start checking FAQ statistics and view count, you will be amazed how many people really give big importance to them.
Improve support
It’s too obvious to mention, that Q&As will be your #1 help to improve customer support. Instead of answering thousands of questions, make a list of the most commonly asked ones and save yourself lots of time for the more specific questions.
Many sales
Product FAQ really arises trust about you and your product among customers. On this page, you show them a picture of your brand (what you offer, how can they get it, do you refund or not, etc). Addressing potential concerns or uncertainties through FAQs can enhance confidence in your website visitors, leading to increased conversion rates. Users are more likely to take action when they feel well-informed. Try to be as clear and detailed as you can be to win their trust, and your sales will grow as a consequence.
In case you have any problems or further questions, feel free to contact us via the following FREE SUPPORT FORUM or email addres: info@ays-pro.com.
ეკრანული სურათები
ეს პლაგინი უზრუნველყოფს 1 ბლოკს.
- FAQ Builder
There are two ways to install FAQ builder: the easy way, when you install FAQ builder from your WordPress dashboard, and the not so easy way, when you install it from WordPress.org.
- 1.1 The easiest way to enjoy FAQ builder
- 1.1.1 Login to your WordPress dashboard
- 1.1.2 Go to Plugins
- 1.1.3 Add New
- 1.1.4 Search for FAQ builder
- 1.1.5 Click to install
- 1.2 The second way:
- 1.2.1Download the zip file from https://wordpress.org/plugins/faq-builder/
- 1.2.2 Go to Plugins
- 1.2.3 Add New
- 1.2.4 Upload plugin
- 1.2.5 Choose file faq-builder.zip
1.2.6 Click to install
1.3 In order to install the FAQ builder from WordPress.org you must unzip the archive and copy the faq-builder folder into your plugins folder (\wp-content\plugins).
After one ofthis steps you can activate the plugin from the Plugins menu.
Once activated configure any options as desired and you can enjoy our FAQ builder.
1. How to create and display FAQs on my website?
This plugin is really simple and easy to use. Whenever you are done creating your questions and answers using the plugin, click Save and close. After that, copy the shortcode (ays_faq id=” number”) generated at the top and paste it to the page where you want it to display. Trust me, there is no way you can’t do this!
2. Can I hide the answers to my FAQs?
Sure, you can! This wp faq plugin gives you the opportunity to manage your answers the way you wish. You can choose to hide the answers at the Settings tab. Note that you also have the options to display all answers or display only the first answer. We have made it as comfortable as it can be for both the owner and the users.
3. How can I customize my FAQs?
You can style your FAQs using the style options (20+) in the plugin. The plugin has various options which will help you to get the best FAQ list. You can change the border settings, the background, text settings, also, open/close icons, hover/active text color and so much more.
Our plugin also supports custom CSS, so you can change the style the way you want.
4. Can users submit their own questions?
Yes! Just enable the Receive questions from users option from the Settings tab and users will be able to type down their own questions. This option is among the most beneficial ones for you, as it will show the visitors your readiness and care towards them. This will make it a lot easier for you to be aware of your customers’ needs and improve yourself.
5. Can I use WordPress Advanced Editor for editing my answers?
This plugin gives that opportunity. You can achieve this by clicking the “Open WP Editor” button under the Answer box. This way you can make use of full WP Editor functions.
6. Can I display multiple accordions on a page?
Sure! You can add as many Q&As as you wish. Keep in mind, not to make the list too long, but also long enough to answer all of the commonly asked questions. Visitors love to see that you care about their needs, and FAQs are a great way to show that to them!
7. Can I get support for the FAQ builder Free version?
Of course! We are open to any of your problems/questions, in the FREE SUPPORT FORUM. Please, note, that customer support is a high-level priority for us. For any of your issues, we will make sure to give full answers and help.
მონაწილეები & დეველოპერები
“FAQ Builder AYS” ღია პროგრამული უზრუნველყოფაა. შემდეგმა ადამიანებმა წვილი შეიტანეს მის განვითარებაში.
მონაწილეები“FAQ Builder AYS” ითარგმნა 2 ენაზე. გმადლობთ თარჯიმნებო თქვენი წვლილისათვის.
გადათარგმნეთ FAQ Builder AYS თქვენს ენაზე.
დაინტერესებული ხართ დეველოპმენტით?
დაათვალიერეთ კოდი, შეამოწმეთ SVN რეპო, ან გამოიწერეთ შექმნის ჟურნალი : RSS.
- Added: Our products page
- Improved: Some changes on the admin dashboard
- Improved: Some Styles on the admin dashboard
- Added: Notification about users questions
- Added: Question rating in pro features
- Added: Letter spacing option for FAQ title
- Added: Column with numbers of new questions in FAQ Builder list
- Improved: Some Styles on the admin dashboard
- Fixed: Security issue on the public page
- Added: Border radius option for main container
- Fixed: Security issue on the admin dashboard
- Tested: Compatible up to 6.7.1
- Fixed: Security issue on the admin dashboard
- Tested: Compatible up to 6.7
- Updated: POT file
- Improved: Some Styles on the admin dashboard
- Tested: Compatible up to 6.6
- Added: Information popup about the FAQ after creating a FAQ
- Tested: Compatible up to 6.5.2
- Changed: The banner style on the admin dashboard
- Changed: Add New button style
- Fixed: PHP issue in faq edit page
- Added: Pro Features submenu
- Fixed: JS conflict with Gutenberg block
- Improved CSS styles on admin dashboard
- Improved: Some styles on the plugins page
- Changed: Removed redirect to FAQ page at the moment of activation
- Tested: Compatible up to 6.4.1
- Added: Confirmation Box before removing the List Table rows
- Fixed: Dublicate issue (PHP 8.2)
- Improved: Ask a question button style on the admin dashboard
- Tested: Compatible up to 6.4
- Added: Mobile font size option for question
- Added: New plugin logo in admin panel
- Improved: Receive questions from users option
- Tested: Compatible up to 6.3.2
- Improved: Deactivate popup style
- Tested: Compatible up to 6.3
- Fixed: Select FAQ issue on the Gutenberg editor
- Tested: Compatible up to 6.2
- Fixed: CSS style issues on the admin dashboard
- Fixed: CSS style issues on the admin dashboard
- Fixed: Translation issue on How to use submenu
- Updated: POT file
- Tested: Compatible up to 6.1
- Changed: CSS styles on admin dashboard
- Tested: Compatible up to 6.0.3
- Fixed: Responsive design issue on the mobile version
- Added: New column in FAQ’s List table
- Added: Padding option for FAQ question
- Added: New column in FAQ’s List table
- Fixed: Style issue on the admin dashboard
- Added: Description font size option
- Fixed: Style issue on the front page
- Added: Wp Editor Height option on the general setting page
- Changed: How to use page’s community section design
- Added: Documentation button on the admin dashboard
- Changed: The banner style on the admin dashboard
- Tested: Compatible up to 6.0
- Added: General settings submenu
- Added: F.A.Q list table option in General settings
- Added: Next FAQ button on the FAQ’s Edit page
- Added: Width for mobile devices
- Tested: Compatible up to 5.9.3
- Added: Title transformation option
- Tested: Compatible up to 5.9.2
- Fixed: PHP problem on the admin dashboard
- Added: Title font size option
- Tested: Compatible up to 5.9.1
- Updated: POT file
- Tested: Compatible up to 5.9
- Updated: POT file
- Fixed: JS problem on the admin dashboard
- Fixed: CSS problem on the admin dashboard
- Fixed: Some issues on the admin dashboard
- Improved: WP Editor modal for answers option on the admin dashboard
- Tested: Compatible up to 5.8.2
- Added: Loader while clicking on the Save button
- Added: Search Functionality on the List Page
- Fixed: Custom css option issue
- Fixed: Some style issues on the Admin Dashboard
- Tested: Compatible up to 5.8
- Fixed: Responsive design issue on the mobile version
- Updated: POT file
- Fixed: SQL query problem on the admin dashboard
- Added: Display answers option
- Added: Ctrl+S saving combination functionality
- Added: Questions numbering option
- Added: Question border option
- Added: WP Editor modal for answers on the admin dashboard
- Added: Hover/active text color option
- Added: Hover/active background color option
- Added: Answer font size option
- Added: Question height option
- Added: Shortcode copy functionality on the F.A.Q page
- Added: Confirmation box while deleting the question on the admin dashboard
- Changed: Answers padding option
- Tested: Compatible up to 5.7.2
- Added: Shortcode text for editor
- Added: Show head information option
- Added: Question font size option
- Added: WP Color Picker opaciy
- Changed: Answer textarea height on the admin dashboard
- Fixed: Open/Close Icon Alignment Option issue
- Fixed: Collapse option label issue
- Added: Ask a question icon
- Added: “How to use” page
- Added: Temporary deactivation button within the deactivation popup
- Tested: Compatible up to 5.7.1
- Fixed: Some PHP conflicts after redirection on the admin dashboard
- Tested: Compatible up to 5.7
- Fixed: Some CSS issues on the admin dashboard
- Changed: Default screen option values in list tables
- Fixed: JS and CSS files connecting in dashboard
- Tested: Compatible up to 5.6
- Added: Border-width option
- Added: Border-style option
- Added: Border-color option
- Updated: Custom Css option
- Fixed: Width option issue
- Added: Custom Class option
- Fixed: PHP Error in Front End
- Tested: Compatible up to: 5.5
- Changed: loading styles and scripts
- Added: Drop down menu selector in Gutenberg
- Fixed: PHP Error in Admin Dashboard
- Tested: Compatible up to: 5.4
- Fixed: PHP Error in Dashboard
- Tested: Compatible up to: 5.3.2
- Fixed: Dashboard saving tabs on apply issue
- Added: Answer padding option
- Changed: Dashboard redesign
- Added: New option send question to admin
- Changed: Google F.A.Q collapse icon
- Fixed: Mail Poet dashboard issue
- Fixed: Collapse option
- Fixed: Plus theme
- Added: Title background color option
- Added: New simple theme
- Added: Second default F.A.Q
- Changed: Simple theme is default F.A.Q theme
- Changed: Collapse option
- Fixed: Duplicate function
- Changed: Icon color
- Fixed: Costom css width
- Added: admin options for default styles
- Fixed: default F.A.Q on activate
- Added: new collapse Icon types
- Added: height option for questions
- Added: space between option for questions
- Added: border radius option for container
- Added: custom css option
- Tested: Compatible up to: 5.2.1
- Tested: Compatible up to: 5.2
- Fixed: Front-end issues
- Added: Default FAQ after installation of the plugin
- Added: Uninstall option with Upgrade/Deactivate features
- Added: One more Add question button below of list in “edit faq page”
- Added: Collapse option
- Added: FAQ width option in style tab
- Tested: Compatible up to: 5.1
- Added: Some options in style tab
- Added: Ays Banner
- Fixed: Some front end issues
- Fixed: Submit issues
- Added: Option “Accordion Open/Close Icon Alignment”
- Added: F.A.Q Background color
- Added: F.A.Q Question Background color
- Added: F.A.Q Answer Background color
- Added: F.A.Q text color
- Fixed: Language problems
- Fixed: Slide toggle effect in front end
- Added: Duplicate function in dashboard
- Fixed: FontAwesome issues
- Fixed: Language problems
- Fixed: New question title is shown in tab
- Removed: Description field from list table
- Added: Tab for styles