ეს პლაგინი არ დატესტილა WordPress-ის 3 ძირითად ვერსიაზე. როგორც ჩანს, ის უკვე აღარ არის მხარდაჭერილი და შესაძლოა არ იყოს თავსებადი WordPress-ის მიმდინარე ვერსიასთან.

Envato Marketplace Widget


This is a widget to feature recent or popular items from the Envato marketplace. You can select marketplace, choose between recent or popular items, and enter your Envato username for referrals. Minimum CSS styling is applied.

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  • Widget options
  • Widget


  1. There are two ways to install this plugin. You can unzip “envato-marketplace-widget.zip” and copy it’s contents into the plugins folder of your WordPress site. Alternatively, you can go to the dashboard of your WordPress site and click “Add New” in the “Plugins” panel. From there you would click “Upload”, browse to “envato-marketplace-widget.zip”, and click “Install Now.” From there go to the plugins panel in your WordPress dashboard and activate this plugin.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


I’m having trouble configuring the plugin

Contact me at http://me.georgeholmesii.com/contact/


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  • First version