Crowdcue is the unofficial OccasionGenius WordPress plugin allows you to easily output a beautiful and simple events page without any coding using the OccasionGenius API.
Carbon Fields / Options
- og-token-key
- og-time-format
- og-time-zone
- og-disabled-flags
- og-disabled-areas
- og-featured-flags
- og-google-maps-api-key
- og-design-per-page-limit
- og-design-header-image-1
- og-design-header-image-2
- og-design-header-image-3
- og-design-heading
- og-design-subheading
- og-design-hp-btn-text
- og-design-hp-btn-url
- og-developer-security-key
- og-analytics-ua-id
Post Types
- og_events
- og-event-name
- og-event-uuid
- og-event-popularity-score
- og-event-description
- og-event-flags
- og-event-start-date
- og-event-end-date
- og-event-start-date-unix
- og-event-end-date-unix
- og-event-event-dates
- og-event-source-url
- og-event-image-url
- og-event-ticket-url
- og-event-venue-name
- og-event-venue-uuid
- og-event-venue-address-1
- og-event-venue-address-2
- og-event-venue-city
- og-event-venue-state
- og-event-venue-zip-code
- og-event-venue-country
- og-event-venue-latitude
- og-event-venue-longitude
API Routes
All Events
All Flags (Categories)
All Areas
Single Flag (Category)
Single Event
Single Venue
Nearby Locations / Events
/wp-json/occasiongenius/v1/nearby/[uuid]<h3>React Setup</h3>
- Layout.js
- index.js
- Components/
— Breadcrumbs.js
— CategoryOutput.js
— EventCategorySmall.js
— EventGridItem.js
— EventSingle.js
— Header.js
— Loading.js
— RelatedEvents.js
— VenueOutput.js
— UpcomingForYou.js
— Components/
—- OGUserLogging.js - Pages/
— Categories.js
— EventDetails.js
— Events.js
— Home.js
— SingleCategory.js
— SingleVenue.js
— ForYou.js
CSS Overrides
- og-master-container
- og-header-container
- og-header-container-outer
- og-header-container-inner-inner
- og-header-container-inner-right
- og-header-container-inner-right-h1
- og-header-container-inner-right-p
- og-header-container-inner-left
- og-home-view-all-buttons
- og-home-view-all-categories
- og-home-view-all-events
Coming Soon / Todo’s
Popularity Score Queries/Sorting
Recommendation Logic (other events on this day, in the area, and personalization)
Pre-Defined Cookies / LocalStorage (for inner-events queries – such as booking dates)
Download and active the plugin, then go to “Settings” => “Crowdcue.” From there, input your OccasionGenius API key and save your settings (along with any design tweaks).
After this has been completed, you can add to an “Events” (/events/) page via either of the follow:
- Shortcode: Add the
Shortcode to the page. - Blocks: Add the
OccasionGenius Events
Block via Gutenberg.
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მონაწილეები & დეველოპერები
“Crowdcue” ღია პროგრამული უზრუნველყოფაა. შემდეგმა ადამიანებმა წვილი შეიტანეს მის განვითარებაში.
მონაწილეებიგადათარგმნეთ Crowdcue თქვენს ენაზე.
დაინტერესებული ხართ დეველოპმენტით?
დაათვალიერეთ კოდი, შეამოწმეთ SVN რეპო, ან გამოიწერეთ შექმნის ჟურნალი : RSS.