ეს პლაგინი არ დატესტილა WordPress-ის 3 ძირითად ვერსიაზე. როგორც ჩანს, ის უკვე აღარ არის მხარდაჭერილი და შესაძლოა არ იყოს თავსებადი WordPress-ის მიმდინარე ვერსიასთან.

Contact Form 7 IE DatePicker and Number Spinner Fix


You are using the Contact Forms 7 Plugin and are angy about the none HTML 5 Support?
No Problem. With this Plugin u will have the normal Datepicker & Number Spinner from jQuery in your Internet Explorers and other none HTML5 browsers.

If you have Questions or Feature Request, feel free and contact me.


  1. Upload cf7-datepicker-ie-fixer.zip to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Extract cf7-datepicker-ie-fixer
  3. Activate the plugin through the \’Plugins\’ menu in WordPress
  4. Preview Form
  5. Edit your css file and overwrite Plugin settings
  6. you have to use “ in your Theme so this Plugins works



Installation Instructions
  1. Upload cf7-datepicker-ie-fixer.zip to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Extract cf7-datepicker-ie-fixer
  3. Activate the plugin through the \’Plugins\’ menu in WordPress
  4. Preview Form
  5. Edit your css file and overwrite Plugin settings
  6. you have to use “ in your Theme so this Plugins works


Thank you very much for this great plugin. Now date picker works in safari and firefox. How can we buy you a coffee? 🙂
Still works on actual WP 4.7.3. but the need to hack the date format in plugin it self makes it bit awkward.
Needed to fix the IE Contact Form 7 date picker bug… do a quick google search, find this plugin, install, refresh, YAY! Thanks buddy for making our lives easier!
Works great but I wish it would let me reformat the date that it displays after being picked. For example: for Oct. 1, 2015, it displays 2015-10-01. I would prefer 10/1/15 or 10/1/2015.
21 რევიუს წაკითხვა

მონაწილეები & დეველოპერები

“Contact Form 7 IE DatePicker and Number Spinner Fix” ღია პროგრამული უზრუნველყოფაა. შემდეგმა ადამიანებმა წვილი შეიტანეს მის განვითარებაში.


გადათარგმნეთ Contact Form 7 IE DatePicker and Number Spinner Fix თქვენს ენაზე.

დაინტერესებული ხართ დეველოპმენტით?

დაათვალიერეთ კოდი, შეამოწმეთ SVN რეპო, ან გამოიწერეთ შექმნის ჟურნალი : RSS.


Feature 2.6

  • using min & max for datepicker
  • using min & max for numberpicker

Feature 2.5:

  • added range for month and year https://wordpress.org/support/topic/contact-form-7-ie-datepicker/page/2?replies=36#post-5135692

Bugs 2.4:

  • remove window.log
  • set dateFormat

Bugs 2.3:

  • added check for html5 support
  • check if it is new IE

Feature 2.2:

  • Added the Spinner function for Contact Form 7 number Fields

Fix 2.1:

  • added jquery spinner js files

Fix 2.0:

  • Fix the Selector, only Contact Form 7 Forms with class \”wpcf7-date\” will be transformed