Comparis is a user-friendly comparing plugin built with woocommerce, that allows you to compare woocommerce products into your WordPress website.
If you are running a woocommerce based shopping site Comparis is the ideal solution for your business.
A premium theme is made by this plugin:
The features are offered by Comapris:
- Built with WooCommerce
- Responsive design & better compatible with twitter bootstrap based theme -tested with “twenty fourteen” & “twenty thirteen theme”
- Advanced filtering with search keywords, category, brand & Specification
- Compare between same type of product
- Buy product directly from the store
- Product category and sub category listing up to second level
- Brand listing listing product by specific brand
- upload category, sub-category icon / image and brand logo image
Demo Link : Click Here For Demo
Documentation Link :
- To install the plugin go to the wordpress codex: https://codex.wordpress.org/Managing_Plugins or you can install manually https://codex.wordpress.org/Managing_Plugins#Manual_Plugin_Installation
For details please goto:
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