

Easily integrate the CommuniQate WhatsApp widget into your WordPress website with this plugin. Enable your visitors to start a WhatsApp chat directly from your site, increasing engagement and simplifying communication.

Important: This plugin relies on a third-party service, CommuniQate, to load its whatsapp widget script.

The plugin loads the following script onto your WordPress site:

This script is hosted by CommuniQate. You will need to create an account with CommuniQate to obtain the widget ID necessary for using the widget on your site.

For more information, please visit the CommuniQate website

By using this plugin, you agree to the CommuniQate Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. These policies govern the usage of the widget and any data that is collected during its operation.


Installing “CommuniQate” can be done either by searching for “CommuniQate” via the “Plugins > Add New” screen in your WordPress dashboard, or by using the following steps:

  1. Download the plugin via
  2. Upload the ZIP file through the ‘Plugins > Add New > Upload’ screen in your WordPress dashboard
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


What is the CommuniQate plugin for?

The CommuniQate plugin loads the CommuniQate website widget script to your WordPress site, allowing visitors to start a WhatsApp chat with your business directly from your site.

Does this plugin rely on a third-party service?

Yes, this plugin loads a widget script from CommuniQate. The widget and its functionality depend on the availability of the third-party service. You must create a CommuniQate account and provide your widget ID to enable the chat widget on your WordPress site.

Where can I find CommuniQate’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy?

You can review the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy on the official CommuniQate website at and


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  • 2024.10.22
  • Initial release