
Plugin Directory

Christmas Snow 3D – Snowfalling, Snowflake Effect and Christmas mood

Christmas Snow 3D – Snowfalling, Snowflake Effect and Christmas mood


May your site be filled with warmth and good cheer, and aspire to something big!

Demo Page

This plugin will help you to add Christmas mood and falling snowflakes with unique and smooth experience and realistic animation.

  • Advanced 3D realistic animation
  • Live camera
  • Highly optimized code
  • Responsize & Mobile support
  • Scroll animation
  • Smooth animation – 120fps support

Issues and Suggestions

Please create new issue on Github:GitHub Issues.


You can contribute or see sources to this plugin on GitHub.


Installing Christmas Snow 3D is as easy as 1-2!

  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/wp-christmas-snow-3d directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress


Which browsers support?

Chrome, Firefox, Edge, IE 11,
iOS: Safari, Chrome

How does it work?

Plugin uses WebGL, Three.JS underhood. Enable plugin, you do not need to adjust any settings.


Adda a realistic snowfall to your site with nice depth and natural feel. Best one I have seen so far. On the desktop version the mouse attracts the snow flakes while on the mobile view the snow falls gently and naturally. I think I prefer the mobile version snow fall. Thank you IIya! 10/10
The Christmas Snow 3D plugin brings a festive touch to your WordPress site with its realistic, smoothly animated falling snowflakes. Users have praised its beautiful 3D snowfall effect and seamless integration. The plugin is compatible with major browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari on iOS, ensuring a consistent experience across devices. Installation is straightforward, and the plugin operates efficiently without the need for extensive configuration. For those looking to enhance their website’s holiday atmosphere, Christmas Snow 3D is a delightful and user-friendly choice.
This snow effect looks great, Thanks for this awesome plugin! There are two things, which in my opinion could make it even better:- an option to disable the mouse follow- a widget, maybe an off/on slider, where users can disable it, if they don’t want it
9 რევიუს წაკითხვა

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  • Support up to latest WordPress 6.7.1


  • Fix issue with resizing


  • First Release