Cashvault Plugin for Woocommerce allows a merchant optimize value delivery to boost fulfilment rates for Woocommerce store.
Cashvault is bridging the gap between prepayment for purchased items within your store before delivery and payment collection on delivery. Successful payments within your store “secure of funds” not successful sales as receipt confirmation provided offline “away from your online store” and purchased item funds secured for has to be delivered to redeem funds.
You can use the extension to better manage alternatives of “payment on delivery” to eliminate cash handling and improve your sales conversion.
- Upload the plugin files to the
directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
- Open the settings page for Woocommerce and click the Checkout tab.
- Click the cashvault tab to configure the plugin refer to guide on how to achieve this.
- What do I need to use Cashvault
You have to be signed up as a merchant for cashvault to be able to use this extension, click here to sign up as a merchant. On sign-up you get 3 month free access to the full features of the dashboard after which a monthly subscription of N 5000 will apply once user count exceeds three to continue enjoying the full benefits.
- How do I redeem active reservations
The dashboard supports offline redemption of consumer receipt confirmations and manual disbursements for recouped cancellation fees applied on orders. We recommend giving realtime access to your courier operator to view orders from your online store to facilitate collection of vault code from your customers, on request to support we can do this on your behalf.
- How do I access detailed reporting
You can use Woocommerce exclusively to monitor order status but you have to log into your dashboard to view more comprehensive settlement reports for deposits to your bank account and order analytics.
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This is the first version.