Buzzsprout is the best way to publish a podcast online. From secure and reliable hosting to full iTunes support, HTML5 players, show statistics, and of course, this WordPress plugin, Buzzsprout has everything you need to publish and promote your podcast!
The Buzzsprout WordPress Plugin
The Buzzsprout podcasting plugin fetches your podcast episodes from your Buzzsprout feed URL and gives you the option to embed episodes in your page or post on-the-fly. It really is that simple.
- Comes free with all Buzzsprout plans
- Is easy to install into your WordPress dashboard
- Works with all self hosted (WordPress.org) accounts
You can learn more about Buzzsprout and create a FREE account at
More reasons you’ll love Buzzsprout:
Secure Hosting Dedicated to Your Podcast
Whether you have a large show or you’re just getting started, a hosting provider is an important piece to a successful podcast. Why? It’s built specifically for your podcast. From upload speeds to download speeds, audio optimization, tagging and show statistics, Buzzsprout helps your podcast grow.
Complete iTunes Support
A full interactive walkthrough on how to submit your podcast feed to iTunes and get your podcast published in the world’s largest podcast catalog.
- iTunes podcast specifications support
- Byte-range request support
- Optimized show description and tagging
- Upload iTunes artwork
Podcast Migration Tool
Want to switch from your old podcast hosting server? Buzzsprout’s podcast migration tool lets you drop your feed URL in Buzzsprout, then takes care of the rest.
Buzzsprout allows you to have as much control over your RSS feed as you want by providing you with a feed that can be run through FeedBurner.
HTML5 and Flash Audio Players
Choose from 3 HTML5 and Flash audio players to embed in your wordpress site. All players automatically update every time you publish a new episode.
Play Count Statistics
Tracking your show’s growth is important. Buzzsprout provides statistics like podcast plays over time, all time plays, and play count trend so you can see the response to each episode over time.
Want to Learn More About Starting a Podcast?
Learn how with Buzzsprout’s free how to create a podcast guide.
ეკრანული სურათები
Buzzsprout’s simple wordpress plugin sits in your “add media” bin and fetches episodes from your Buzzsprout account for easy embedding into your pages or posts. More than just a plugin, Buzzsprout provides beautifully designed HTML5 Audio Players (with Flash and Silverlight fallback) options for embedding. The large player automatically updates with your newest episodes and can be customized to only fetch episodes with specific tags.
- Download the plugin
- Extract into a folder
- Upload the entire folder to
directory of your WordPress installation - Enable it via Plugins panel
- Specify the Buzzsprout feed URL you want to retrieve episodes from and other options under Settings->Buzzsprout Podcasting
მონაწილეები & დეველოპერები
“Buzzsprout Podcasting” ღია პროგრამული უზრუნველყოფაა. შემდეგმა ადამიანებმა წვილი შეიტანეს მის განვითარებაში.
მონაწილეებიგადათარგმნეთ Buzzsprout Podcasting თქვენს ენაზე.
დაინტერესებული ხართ დეველოპმენტით?
დაათვალიერეთ კოდი, შეამოწმეთ SVN რეპო, ან გამოიწერეთ შექმნის ჟურნალი : RSS.
- Fix for shortcode tag insertion bug
- Updated for latest version of WordPress 6.4
- Updated to sanitize shortcodes
- Updated for latest version of WordPress 6.3.2
- Updated for latest version of WordPress 6.1.1
- Updated for latest version of WordPress 5.4
- Fix for episode selection bug
- Fix for RSS items not loading
- Fix for MIME type bug
- Improved support for page caching
- Compatibility with prefix urls
- Updated for latest version of WordPress 5.2.3
- Buzzsprout has a new format for RSS Feed URLs.
- Please install this update and then log into your Buzzsprout account to get your new feed URL.
- Feed URLs now start with https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/…
- Updated for new Buzzsprout feed URLs.
- Updated for latest version of WordPress 4.9.5
- Update for latest RSS feed validator
- Update for latest WordPress with https support
- https fix
- Fix to work with new GUID
- Updated code for latest wordpress
- Enhancement for latest wordpress build
- Added a few new icons and a link to review the plugin
- Resolved an issue where latest episodes were not appearing immediately
- Updated for Buzzsprout new HTML5 Audio Player
- Compatability update for PHP 5.4x
- Reworked the plugin to adhere to changes to WordPress core when version 3.3.1 was released.
- Now adds a tab to the media upload Thickbox
- New episodes are now immediately available – prevents RSS cache
- Initial version