Automate your multiple sites or sync your sites with no code approach, BotMate provides a unique experience to automate your multiple sites together by the help of Trigger and Action.
You can set Triggers on site A, and set Actions on other sites (Site B, Site C and so on), by the help of Secure API Key, Site A will send data to you set to other sites, in order to keep sites sync.
Lets say you want your 2 sites/ or more sites, to have same blog posts, BotMate has the solution, whenever you’ll post blog on Site A, it will send Post it on Site B and other sites as well.
There are lots of other possibilities.
You can easily understand by watching the video, How BotMate works.
These automations are always helpful in saving your time.
BotMate is always best for cross site automation.
Available Automations
- User Register
- WP Insert Post
- WP Insert Post
- WP Insert User
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გადათარგმნეთ BotMate – Automate or Sync Your Sites With No Code თქვენს ენაზე.
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1.0.0 Oct 29, 2022
Initial release.