Multi Page Auto Advance for Gravity Forms


The Multi Page Auto Advance plugin for Gravity Forms makes the form filling process quicker and more user friendly for visitors. There are 3 options available:

Basic (Free) (Single Site)
1. Auto advance for radio buttons, dropdown, polls and quizzes
2. Hide/show next/previous/submit button
(does not work with Gravity Forms Conversational Add-On)

Pro ($39.99) (Up to 3 Sites)
Everything from Free +
1. Works with products
2. Works with check boxes watch video
3. Works with text and number fields watch video
2. Works with conditional logic
3. Works with Gravity Forms Conversational Add-On
4. Enable transition animations
5. Adjust steps colors

Plus ($59.00 or $225 [lifetime]) (Unlimited Sites)
Everything from Pro +
Conversational settings watch video

This plugin for WordPress and Gravity Forms completely transforms your boring forms into higher converting forms.


Overview and Features
Conversational settings video
Text and number fields video
Checkboxes fields video


Pick your favorite color
( ) Blue
( ) Red
( ) Other
[Other triggers conditional field to enter favorite color manually and click next]


Version @4.7
– added notice for free users to upgrade to paid pro or plus at 50% discount. Free version features being limited to radio button and drop down only.

Version @4.6.3
– Fixed gform post render issue
– conversational pagination to follow settings inside the form

Version @4.6.2
– Fixed auto advanced crash issue on some scenarios for free version.

Version @4.6.1
– Updated resources and info
– Fixed minor bugs related in form editor

Version @4.6 (Mega release)
– Compatibility added for php 8.0
– Latest wordpress support added
– Fixed warnings and bugs
– Added conversational form for plus version
– Added support for Gravity Forms Conversational addon for pro version
– Added coloring steps
– Added animations.
– New settings area


Play with the Demos:
Watch Demo Video:
Buy the PRO Version:
See Changelog & Upcoming Releases:

ეკრანული სურათები



  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/multipage-auto-advance directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
    — Once installed, an Auto advance checkbox will be displayed in the settings for any Radio Button or Dropdown field added to a form.
    — Checking the Auto advance option will activate that question as a trigger to “auto next” to the next step/page of your form for users.


What are the gravity form fields supported?

The plugin currently supports only radio buttons and dropdown fields.

How to set up auto advancing

  1. Create a new form or open an existing one
  2. Click any Radio Button or Dropdown question that you want to be a trigger.
  3. Check the box for Auto Advance in the settings for the question

Is it possible to have two triggers on one form page?

Yes, as long as both are not set as “required”. If both are ‘required’ then the form will not advance to the next page and an error message will show.


This is the worst plugin you could ever install. It has a constant and horrendous nag in the admin area. This has also been flagged as a serious security risk by our hosting. AVOID!!
06.01.2023 1 reply
Warning: Undefined variable $input_type in /homepages/40/d689953319/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Moiz/wp-content/plugins/auto-advance-for-gravity-forms/class-gfautoadvancedaddon.php on line 239 This kind of error held on form page when I active plug-in.
This plugin works well for our use case. We did have a small problem at first but the support team quickly solved the issue. We later had other questions for support who really went the extra mile to help us try and solve a form issue. I highly recommend this plugin.
I had an issue that could have even been related to my theme but the developer responded quickly and even updated their plugin to fix the problem. Thanks so much for your quick response. Your plugin will allow me to complete a really important project and I will likely be looking at more stuff when you come out with them! Take care!
17 რევიუს წაკითხვა

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