ეს პლაგინი არ დატესტილა WordPress-ის 3 ძირითად ვერსიაზე. როგორც ჩანს, ის უკვე აღარ არის მხარდაჭერილი და შესაძლოა არ იყოს თავსებადი WordPress-ის მიმდინარე ვერსიასთან.



AffiliateImporterAI is a plugin that used to import products from Aliexpress Into your WordPress WooCommerce Affilate store. The plugin is helpful to collect affilate.

Plugin will import selected products from Aliexpress and push them to your WooCommerce store.

This plugin based on the official Aliexpress API.
Using this plugin you can open your own internet store, sell any products from Aliexpress and earn money based on commission!

Just choose any product from Aliexpress and your customers will see it on your web-site – this is all you need to do to earn money with this plugin!

Main features:

  • Unlimited number of products on your web-site.

  • Statistics:
    – the number of hits for each product
    – the number of redirected customers

  • Backup/restore options. Save your settings and products. You can restore your settings at any time with this option.

  • Pending posts. You will be able to save time by automatically updating products for your customers.

  • Support. You have access to technical support, tutorials and videos – if you have any problem we will solve it in 24 hours!

  • Currency / language. You can make money throughout the world by uploading variety of languages and currency.

  • Very easy and understandable visual interface. Plugin has clear visual interface and convenient for both skilled and beginner users.


  1. Install WooCommerce plugin.
  2. Upload AffiliateImporterAI plugin files to the plugin (commonly /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name) directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
  4. Use the AEimporter->Settings->Aliexpress setting Tab ->Enter API KEY,TrackingId,choose Local Currency and press Save Setings.

You may pick up AliExpress API KEY and TrackingId this link


Installation Instructions
  1. Install WooCommerce plugin.
  2. Upload AffiliateImporterAI plugin files to the plugin (commonly /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name) directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
  4. Use the AEimporter->Settings->Aliexpress setting Tab ->Enter API KEY,TrackingId,choose Local Currency and press Save Setings.

You may pick up AliExpress API KEY and TrackingId this link


27.09.2017 1 reply
After I activated the plugin, I went over to the Aliexpress portal to sign up for the required API. When I registered, the entire page was blank, except for the header menu. Clicking on each menu option, yields another blank page. I then emailed Aliexpress, and they stated in their one and only reply, that they do not provide publishers with APIs anymore, and if I was getting the API for a plugin, they did not authorize any of the plugins that use their API. The latter answer was not even a question I asked. I never mentioned a plugin. So there you have it. This plugin will not work, if you are in need of a new API. I hope the publisher fixes this plugin so that it doesn’t need the API, and updates it to reflect this. BTW: I replied to their email, and asked if they were planning to reinstate the API in the future. You guessed it: no reply back. In addition, if you check the Aliexpress Portal Facebook page, they haven’t been getting back to people for months (probably, almost a year now). Their issues range from getting an API, to actually getting paid through affiliate links – meaning, they aren’t getting paid. Thanks for reading.
01.09.2017 3 replies
Aliexpress does not provide api keys any more. Pfff Your application has been submitted successfully! We are processing it now and the audication period should last 5 working days. I wrote email to them and asked why. They told policy changed
9 რევიუს წაკითხვა

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“AffiliateImporterAI” ითარგმნა 3 ენაზე. გმადლობთ თარჯიმნებო თქვენი წვლილისათვის.

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Bug fix
Add currencies ZAR and MYK


Bug fix


Initial release